reviews Russian hair company

Discussion in 'Hair' started by glhnb2016, Apr 25, 2017.

  1. glhnb2016
    can anyone recommend anywhere that sells good quality hair for 28inchs, i have a client requesting this !! I've recommended a shorter length, but she's adamant she wants 28inch.

    Any method so long as its 28 inches

  2. redlottie13
    Omg I've never come across any longer than 22! Why does she want them that long!!?
    ceecee71 and Mane Goddess like this.
  3. ClaireJones
    I know sjk extensions sell 28,30, &32 inch x
  4. Bella93xox
    Archie lloyds I think do it
  5. Charlottez1994
    Sjk hair extensions so then that long x
  6. clairebh1604
    SJK do but I know past a certain length they are thinner think it's 22/24" anything upto that is double drawn but the other lengths are not. In my experience I would advise that they will be naturally thinner at the ends in that length and may not look like what she is expecting and wanting if she is wanting them full and thick! Make sure you do a proper consultation saying everything and the difference and then it's up to her :) I have just done 24" and my client had a budget so I couldn't get from sjk and she's done nothing but complain but I told her everything before hand but looks like I'm now having to change them etc so it's more money in the long run xx
  7. djkroo
    What do you mean "why"?? I am going to get min in 28. I love the "mermaid" look and so does many clients actually.
    redlottie13 likes this.
  8. redlottie13

    So 'do' many clients? I've been doing hair extensions 9 years and never even had an inquiry over 22 inches ...... I was shocked anyone would want extensions that long (personal opinion!) A friendly reply would suffice....... no reason to be rude salon geek isn't about that!
  9. djkroo
    I don't think it was rude at all? Rather surprised the length/client's choice had to be questioned. I think it's quite a thing lately, here in Sweden and in Russia (mostly in Russia, due to the show (Dom 2) they are airing where the girl is sporting the 90cm even.

    As reply to OP: I found Lloyd and Tasha have them quite long but depends what quality you want. If Russian hair is the choice then if you do not reside in Russia, then def. is the choice! They got up to 30 inches.
  10. surf girl
 hope you've got a budget if at least a grand for it tho!

    It was the what do you mean why that came across rude, over 22" isn't something we see in the uk very often, I've worn 22" myself and they were a pain in the bum to manage over that length is a bit strange tbh, but if it's out there it means someone's buying it!
  11. redlottie13

    I believe it was "what do you mean why",!!

    I only questioned the choice simply because here in England I haven't seen much call for it. Im sure our trends are very different to other countries & As I stated this was based purely on experience having worked for a large hair extension brand and as a hairdresser for many years.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2017

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